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He could not believe! Icehouse, engage in what ah? You do not say that shrewd brother ghd hair straightener crime, right? Come on, if that guy is really a crime, it is absolutely not leave any clues let ghd nz traced to him! Secretary MA Jing tone when referring to Sima Jun although very unhappy, but his heart will never believe Sima Jun crime. As he said, if the guy is really criminal, absolutely not leave any clues. His cousin Sima Jun what a smart guy, if he is arrested for committing a crime, absolutely able to rely on their own abilities, in the first trial to get acquittal.

A Jing, the situation is not good, ah, Sima Jun immediately after his arrest pleaded guilty, although pro forma to go to trial on ghd, but the current situation, it is really bad ah! Lu Himuro nervous tone is definitely not fitted out, Secretary MA Jing naturally hear it, ghd nz a shot forehead, heart cursed, that distinguished his brother what happens when nothing happens at this time. ghd nz Also really do not know the mind is not flooded, actually arrested immediately after the confession we say really ghd nz sinned?

There must be something inside story! Cut, ice room, you quickly put what you know to tell ghd nz ghd nz now immediately rushed to the detention center, you'd better let ghd nz care relationship to postpone the end of the meeting time ten minutes! Secretary MA Jing although some shocked, but his mind remained calm, his fast on land ice chamber gave the order, and then stopped a taxi and went nonstop detention. Phone, land ice room has told someone to act, and he himself was the phone told the Secretary MA Jing happened.

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