
supra - and blue if the heart

After much talking, he let Gryphon Rider to follow the Air Cavalry the Phil Army chief arrangements to Karan town flew rest, then he and orchid heart, and Mo Take to land on the walls. I do not know these two is what? Looked blue, the Phil Army chief puzzled if heart and Mo Take one, do not know supras shoes followed Luo Yan what to do to know Luo Yan, but ready to see His Majesty the King, the two men followed Luo Yan seems a little less right now! Giggled twice, the Luo Yan Legion Phil Long Road: the blue if Oncidium aunt. supra vaider elders. supra vaider escort, she must keep around to supra vaider. As for the next to the Mr. Mo Take supra vaider, he is the His Majesty the King to the people! Luo Yan spoke, he pointed to the blue if the heart and stood by Mo Take. Phil is one of the most trusted person of Sofia seventeen, the Luo Yan Why Karan city came he know, hear Luo Yan Speaking of blue if the heart and Mo Take origins, his eyes flashed a trace Lee Mans regarded Mo Take half the prisoners, then forget it, and blue if the heart, even the level of God who legend, which made him feel somewhat unexpected, he had originally thought that the blue if the heart should be an old lady too!

If so, then please three followed me come together! Phil depressed heart doubts, now apparently than blue carefully strength curious about more important things to do, that is, will be brought to the front of His Majesty the King to supras, he said, while taking the lead in walked toward the city walls below. Luo Yan supra vaider also followed closely behind the Phil Army chief, under the walls of the city, the Phil Army chief greeted there soldiers led by over four horses, then Phil Army chief to take over one of the horses, riding up front Luo Yan supra vaider three humanitarian: please horse travel with him to meet with His Majesty the King! Then took the lead and rushed out. And blue heart laugh, Luo Yan supra vaider, get on a horse, Karan area of ​​the city with the Phil Army chief behind the palace is in the middle of Karan city, so supra vaider if horses and transport, rely on walking do not know want to come when they could to the palace.

It is not enough gorgeous, Sofia has been facing are ferocious orcs, and so develop the character of their troops, even so, this palace is enough to let Luo Yan marvel, he's tall lords House and the immediate palace compared to simply a country's vegetable plot, and even the vegetable plot is not as good. Four people to the palace in front, it will be the horse stopped, and then saw the soldiers on guard of the palace in front of the front of them, they stopped, Chen Sheng said: supra vaider is a human. What's going to come here? Even standing in front of them in Sofia's Tiger Phil Army chief, they are also the same as asked, in no way been negligent because the Phil Army chief famous the Phil Army chief dismounted Luo Yan suit , with the Phil Army chief behind. Only to hear Phil Army chief front of the soldiers who guard the palace gate: I am King City Praetorian Guard Army chief Phil, supra vaider and report soon, said Luo Yan, the Chateau d'If fortress Army chief has come card Portland City, is the entrance to the palace waiting for His Majesty the King places summoned!

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